Kedung Kandang Waterfall

Kedung Kandang, as well as the name of a river and waterfall that is located on Botak Mountain, Nglanggeran, Pathuk, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. Water of this river flows down to the mound of boulders, resulting in a row of charm of little waterfall. According to local residents, Kedung Kandang Waterfall will flow profusely when it rains the night before. Waterfall in Kedung Kandang will flow profusely and look more beautiful when the night before was rain. Around Kedung Kandang, there are paddies complete with beautiful terraces. Steep cobbled streets that are quite extreme must be passed if the travelers want to see this hidden waterfall. You have to walk about one kilometer from the motorcycle parking. Besides enjoying the fresh water immediately, travelers can enjoy Kedung Kandang Waterfall from an artificial bamboo bridge. If you feel tired in the middle of the road, you can stop for a moment and unwind in some gazebo available. Heru Purwanto as the marketing of Nglanggeran Tourism Awareness Group said that Kedung Kandang Waterfall had been properly addressed during the rainy season in 2015. source:

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