Parangtritis Beach

This particular beach is famous both for its breathtaking view and for being a sacred religious icon in Yogyakarta. When it comes to its scenery, Parangtritis Beach is definitely not going to disappoint all of of its visitors. Aside of its spectacular sunset view, the visitors would also be amazed by its phenomenal sand dunes. This combination is not commonly found in any other beaches. Having said that, your trip to this iconic beach would definitely be one of those memories that lingers for quite some time. As mentioned earlier, another thing that contributes to Parangtritis fame is its role as a sacred place in local people’s belief. Parangtritis Beach is believed to be the entrance gate of mystical ocean kingdom at the southern seas of Java Island ruled by Queen Kidul. Due to this belief, all visitors of the beach are advised to avoid wearing green which is the queen’s favorite color. Local people believe that if this rule is trespassed, bad calamities would come upon you. Because of this belief too, this beach becomes the location of various spiritual ceremonies conducted by both the Yogyakarta keraton (monarchy) members and the surrounding civilians. The ceremonies are usually led by one local spiritual guardian of the beach and are held to commemorate special occassions occurred in the monarchy such as the new king coronation or the wedding of a royal member. source:

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